Become a Sponsor

There are a variety of Sponsorship Opportunities available:
Nokian Tyres Summer Nights Sponsorship

Nokian is the official and sole sponsor of the music.

Sponsorship Options:

  • Sound Sponsor - $500 will enable you to be a Sound Sponsor getting your name and logo on the Sound Sponsor banner.
  • E-raffle Sponsor - Sponsors may give merchandise from their business in the price range of $200.00 and up or purchase an item of the same value. A special E-raffle sponsor sign with name and logo is displayed and a spot for the sponsor to have a tent and promote their business while they display the prize they donated is provided.
Scopes Play Sponsorship

All sponsors will be featured on our website Play page for the entire year.

Sponsorship Options:

  • Lighting Sponsors - Your name (logo) will be in the play program as a lighting sponsor.
    • For $1,000.00 you can be one of five lighting sponsors
    • For $5,000.00 you can be the sole lighting sponsor.
  • Production Sponsors -  Your name (logo) will be in the play program as a production sponsor.
    • $1,000.00 will sponsor one spot of production costs
    • $3,000.00 will make you the sole production sponsor
  • A $750.00 or more sponsorship will insure your name and logo in the program and your name and logo on the play t-shirt which will be sold the 3 days of the play performances and on our website from June until they are sold out.
  • Any amount you would like to sponsor would be very appreciated and will be in the supporter section of the program. 
Heritage Day Sponsorship

Lend your support to a day full of family-friendly activities. Hands-on, or just watch – catch a glimpse of what makes Rhea County a place to celebrate. Dig for fossils or watch a blacksmith craft something from a piece of iron. Enjoy a snack or inflatable games. Learn about gardening or home canning. It’s all there on the courthouse lawn!

We would like to thank you in advance for your support and interest in our mission to keep our heritage alive in Rhea County. These events celebrate our rich past and our bright future. We must have your money and logo in by June 24th to ensure time at the printers.

Thank You to our Sponsors!